+44 (0)20 4577 0583


Top quality food, drink and lifestyle images
by more than 1,000 photographers worldwide.

Further Information

Discover the amazing variety in our collection of images covering all aspects of food and drink – the largest collection of Rights-managed and Royalty-free food images in the world:

Our vast collection (about 950,000) of food images includes the work of more than 1,000 professional food photographers worldwide, including several award-winners. The collection continues to grow. Every image submitted is inspected by experienced picture editors and must satisfy our high quality requirements before it is included in the collection.

Genuine Food Art

At StockFood, our food photography is of the highest quality standard – a diverse range of the most varied styles and imagery, perfectly framed, without compromise. All dishes are prepared with fresh, unadulterated ingredients. Natural. Appetising. Authentic.

Rights-managed Images

Each of our Rights-managed images is available with detailed usage history and we can take care of the entire rights management process, including exclusive rights, if desired. Prices for Rights-managed images are based on the intended usage. Rights-managed images are of outstanding quality with themes ranging from general to highly specialised and comprising a wide range of imagery. The images are available in conventional formats as well as custom sizes.

Royalty-free Images

Alongside our Rights-managed images, our image collection also boasts about 230,000 tempting Royalty-free images on the subjects of food and entertaining. Here you will find popular classics from international cuisine, images with knocked-out backgrounds, action pictures, close ups and much more. The advantage of a Royalty-free image: buy once for unlimited use. All images can be used for advertising purposes and the image price is based solely on the desired file size. Find more information about the difference between Rights-managed and Royalty-free images in our overview.

Purchase Images

Calculate the price online for all images and purchase by credit card. Alternatively, contact our Service Team to arrange payment on account. For premium customers, we can provide custom packages and flat rates upon request. Our service team is also happy to help you with our Research Service.
Do you know about our other products?
  • Featureshigh-quality editorial articles including images and recipes
  • Videosmodern cooking in motion, fresh short clips and creative stop-motion clips
  • Recipesprofessionally-written and with optional nutrition info
When it comes to food, we have almost everything. We're working on the rest…