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A spooky forest painted on a linen cloth for Halloween

A spooky forest painted on a linen cloth for Halloween

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A Halloween arrangement
Meringue ghosts for Halloween
Bleeding chocolate hearts for Halloween
Sticky bats wings for Halloween
A spooky forest painted on a linen cloth for Halloween
Caramel and apple buttercream cake for Halloween
Halloween snacks: meringue ghosts and peanut butter gravestones in a chocolate mousse graveyard next to black sesame seed spiders
Antique, leather-bound book of fairy tales on blue surface as Halloween decoration
Halloween snacks: sticky backed swings and bleeding hearts
A crown of pork ribs with raisin-filled apples for Halloween

This image is part of a feature

Halloween Inspired
© Feature by Great Stock! | 13 Images & Text

These dishes are perfect for adult Halloween parties where an elegant touch is called for. Try "Snow White" apples, a crown roast or delight your friends with sticky "Bat" wings.

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Image ID:11505102
Caption:A spooky forest painted on a linen cloth for Halloween
License type:Rights-managed
Contributor:StockFood / Great Stock!
Image size:3646 px x 4793 px